HICODEF internalize following major strategic direction to implement its integrated community development programs.
- Empowerment
- Partnership
- Rights based
- Advocacy
- Participatory and
- Emergency relief
Empowerment: The main thrust of HICODEF’s programme has been empowerment of community particularly poor, women, boys, girls, Dalit and people with different ability by enabling them to identify and analyse the factor and system responsible for creating condition of poverty, injustice and exploitation so that they can eliminate this condition themselves.
Partnership: Based upon mutual respect, transparency, accountability and comparative advantage, HICODEF works in partnership approach with the local CBOs and users’ group in order to accomplish a common goal and objective.
Rights based: Hicodef has internalised the fact that poverty is not only because of economic lacking but it is also because of deprivation f social and political rights. Basic needs are basic rights. Therefore, HICODEF involves in organisation of rights for the most marginalized poor, women, girls, boys, Dalit and people with different ability.
Advocacy: HICODEF in collaboration with other social activists organisation, advocates in favour of marginalized poor, women, girls, boys, Dalit and people with differently able in order to bring new policy, change in policy and implementation of existing policy.
Emergency Relief: Occurrence of natural disaster like floods, land slides, fire, epidemic, earth quake etc. can not only obstruct normal development process but it can also lead community to worst condition. Therefore, HICODEF has always been involved in relief and rehabilitation of victims of natural disaster.
Gender and Generation Sensitivity: HICODEF also believes in gender equity. Therefore all its behaviours and activities reflect gender and generation sensitivity.