Hicodef has begun working in remote northern hilly region of Nawalparasi district since 2000. It has internalised the causes of poverty by experience that isn’t only economic reason but also socio, culture, geographic, political reasons. We have realized that community have been very stratified by the caste, gender, ethnicity, kinships, class and political thoughts and it is guiding their attitude and behaviours. Likewise they have lots of misconception and superstition which also create the unfavourable condition for them. People in the rural community have less access on government services which is very much crucial for their life; they have very low knowledge on health and hygiene related problems as they have low level of awareness. In the other hand many of them are struggling for survival don’t allow them to look other issues like health and hygiene.
However there is lots of potentials to improve the existing situation because the people have very much eager to change their life and looking for opportunities. Similarly the communities are very much attached and depended to each other. As they have good listening culture we can turn them by appropriate facilitation techniques. Therefore we have been organising rural communities to overcome their social and economic problems by our integrated community development programs. We are child sensitive orgnisation as our strategy is gender and generation sensitive so that we always wear the glass of child rights in every program activities and valued the outcomes accordingly. Therefore, our entire program directly or indirectly touches the issues of children and promotes child rights in very practical manner in grassroots level.