We have been implementing various software and hardware program activities to empower, capacitate and uplift the existing condition of poor and marginalized communities. We emphasize on holistic community development rather than focus on one issue because the rural poor communities have been marred socially, economically, politically, geographically and culturally. They also have lack of access on basic needs like education, health, food sufficiency, road, communication etc. Furthermore they don’t have proper access on government services because of their settlement in rural and remote area where government have less presents.
Here are some major efforts/ achievements so far in partnership with government and nongovernment agencies:
- We have already been working in 7 districts Rupendehi, Nawalparasi, Chitwan, Dhading, Parbat, Morang and Myagdi.
- 116066 Households get direct benefits from our programs.
- Established the Deurali VDC as a model VDC for goat raising where near about 500 families turned into goat entrepreneurs. The VDC able earned 60 million rupies by selling goats.
- Support to established goat collection center through cooperative and already started selling goat in weekly basis.
- Fodder developed in 796 beghas of land.
- 96 Forest groups are working for 24000 members on income generation, livelihood development, forest conservation and good governance including social inclusion aspects.
- Developed master trainers on mental health first time in Nawalparasidistrict and now they have already developed 25 psychosocial counselors.
- Developed more than 500 front line workers for social and economic development.
- Construct, repair and maintenance almost all school building, drinking water supply and health posts in 12 hilly VDCs (Naram, Ruchang, Dedgaun, Mithukaram, Rakuwa, Jaubari, Bharatipur, Dhoubadi, Dandajheri, Kotthar, Arkhala and Bulingtar) of Nawalparasi district of Nepal.
- HICODEF built 18 trial bridges in the community so far and 4 bridges are under construction
- HICODEF has already surveyed 70 bridges that is 100% coverage of the communities demand.
- 16 Cooperatives established in 15 VDCs
- 12 VDC level scholarship trusts established in 12 VDCs providing scholarship to needy students.
- HICODEF has been providing scholarship to poor and orphan girls child since 2011 and 14 students passed SLC so far.
- More than 300 groups (poor, women, men, dalit, child and mixed groups) are formed and almost of all are running smoothly.
- One resource center mobilizes smoothly to conduct training, seminars etc in HICODEF’s premises conducting more than 150 events in a year.
- Developed 6 village animal health workers to look after livestock development program.
- Established 15 VDC level forest network.
- Established 15 Climate change adaptation fund in 15 VDCs.
- 2 Micro Hydro installed in Dedgaun and Arthala VDCs generate 40 KW benefitting 550 HHs
- 6 KM Rural road constructed from Bojhapokari of Arkhala VDC to HurhureDanda of Dhoubadi VDC.
- Developed a perma-culture farm in Dhoubadi VDC 1.