Himalayan Community Development Forum (HICODEF) is a national non-governmental organization registered at Nawalparasi District in 1999. It is a pure social development and not profit making organization. HICODEF is affiliated with Social Welfare Council, NGO Federation and National CBR Network. In addition, it is involved in various district level forums. It has over two decades of grassroots level experience in development field and hundreds of thousands of community have got benefited from its various community development programmes. HICODEF is dedicated for the empowerment of the socially backward people (i.e. women, children, poor, disabled, and socially excluded) through participatory approach.
HICODEF began working in northern hilly areas of Nawalparasi district of Nepal since 2000. It initially implemented the integrated community development programme in partnership with ActionAid Nepal (an international NGO). It has successfully completed various development projects in association with NSMP, FINNIDA, ITDG, SPW, Handicap International, Practical Action, USAID, Action Against Hunger, Heifer international etc. It has worked across the then Nawalparasi district and also worked in Rupendehi, Chitwan, Dhading, Myagdi and Parbat for some time on various community development initiatives.
Currently it has been implementing development projects with HELVETAS SAMI, HELVETAS TBSU, HEIFER International and The Glacier Trust and focused its efforts in Nawalpur district.
Name of Organisation: Himalayan Community Development Forum (HICODEF)
Postal Address : Kawasoti Municipality 2, Shivabasti, Nawalparasi
Telephone : 078-540172, 540212
Email: hicodef@ntc.net.np
Website: www.hicodef.org.np