Coronavirus COVIC-19 has been reached more than 200 countries and declared the world pandemic by WHO. Around 2.6 million of people have been infected and around 178 thousands of people died so far because of this pandemic globally and the curve is still increasing.
The global COVID-19 corona pandemic was confirmed to have spread in Nepal when its first case was confirmed in Kathmandu on 24 January, 2020. 48 people are infected in the country and fortunately there is no death toll till 24th April 2020. The nation has declared lockdown till 28th April 2020 to control spreading as a prevention measure to COVID-19. Because of this hazardous situation the country is in emergency, there are no any economic transactions and we are facing shortage of medical equipment, foods etc to cop the situation and the situation is even worsening to the families surviving in daily wages. We urge everyone to show humanity, stay inside and spread awareness and support whatever you can in every possible ways. Let’s hope our earth gets rid of the infection very soon. As a social organization with humanitarian belief, we have stopped our field level activities and all the forces have been diverted in every possible ways to tackle this panic situation. We have given priority to our current project area Nawalparasi district of Nepal in coordination with the donors, local governments and stakeholders.

As the virus is mainly spread during close contacts and by small droplets produced when people cough or sneeze, we request you all to stay home and stay safe.
Here are our current activities to COVID-19 response.
- Developed awareness raising materials and organized the campaign by sticking flex prints about COVID-19 prevention measures on hot spots of 8 palikas of Nawalparasi East district.
- Sharing of online IEC contents to local government for awareness.
- Participated in awareness raising campaign organized by local governments.
- Our field staff has been supporting local government for planning and and distribution of relief package at Baudikali RMP
- Utilize and update social sites like Facebook, What’sApp and Messenger for awareness rising on COVID-19.
- Organize regular virtual meeting among senior staffs using zoom and messenger apps for updating the situation and also make strategy and plan to support to the community.
- Received 3600 pcs (25 boxes) of soap from Unilever Nepal and distribute to all 8 palikas named Baudikali RMP, Bulingtar RMP, Binaye Triveni RMP, Hupsekot RMP, Gaidakot MP, Devchuli MP, Kawasoti MP and Madhyabindu MP (500 pcs for Municipality and 400 pcs for Rural Municipality) in Nawalparasi east district.
- Maintain regular linkage and coordination with donor, stakeholders and beneficiaries. The Glacier Trust has already supported £1000 (NPR 150000/-) for COVID-19 relief mission. The fund has utilized to purchase rice to support daily wages family through local government in Nawalparasi.
- Involve in Crowd funding initiated by The Glacier Trust specially by Dr. Morgan Philips.
- Prepared plan for distribution of relief materials.
- Distributed 1880 Kg rice and 2200 pcs of soap to 5 Palikas named Baudikali RMP, Binaye Triveni RMP, Hupsekot RMP, Devchuli MP and Madhyabindu MP. And 600 Kg rice and 900 pcs of soap are ready to handover to Bulingtar RMP and Gaidakot MP for distribution.
- Supported 18 relief packet contains 15 kg rice, 2 kg lentil, ½ liter oil, 1 kg salt and 1 pc soap in each packet and also extra 482 soaps to Kawasoti Municipality for distribution to poor daily wages families.
- Supported 50 kg rice, lentil 4 kg, oil 2 ltr, salt 2 pkt a total worth Rs3132/- to a family of Jeet Bahadure Soti who is suffering from kidney dysfunction and now they are struggling for survival. He came to Devchuli municipality from our working area for treatment and his wife used to work in a small hotel and left the work because of lockdown.
- Prepared and submission of concept notes and information to partners for COVID 19 relief fund.
- HICODEF has operated the work from home strategy, the staffs have been engaging for reporting, monitoring through phone, prepare case studies and documentations as much as possible.
- The board meeting has been done in weekly basis using Zoom apps to tackle the situation generated by COVID-19 and prepare strategy for human resource mobilization.

HICODEF board, management team and field staffs are working from home until the existing lockdown is cancelled by the government and the situation comes under control. HICODEF has adopted 3P policy that means it gives high priority to its personals first then property and lastly programs. Therefore it always has huge concerns about the health of the staffs. It maintains regular contact with staffs, updating work progress and exploring ideas under these circumstances so that we can come with proper plan to accomplish the project’s activities in given time frame when the situation come to normal.
Surbir Sthapit
Executive Director
24th April 2020